Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Trends and Me, Part Two ... "Wear Me Maybe"

After sorting through and deciding which trends are definitely not for me, I'm looking at trends that might be workable. Maybe. These are some of the most tempting of the season's fashion ideas, but they are also the ones that come with warning stickers all over them.

Asian Inspiration
This trend has the potential to be one of the most beautiful of the year, but the danger is that it can become too literal and costumey very quickly. And inexpensive versions of the concept can look very cheap. Personally, this kind of exotic could look a little strange on this round little redhead if not handled with care.

Black and White Graphic Prints
No other look of the season is so clean and modern to my eye, even thought black and white combos have been around for at least a couple of seasons. But the big personal warning sticker on this one is about scale. Too small a print or graphic in scale can look prissy and too large a print could overwhelm instantly.

Yes. Be still, my heart. But a moment's overconfidence on my part could result in the tricky job of avoiding the appearance of an odd looking little ersatz matador. Boy, is this a referential style. It might also could look cheap if it fell within my budget, so this may be a trend where I can look but not touch. Unless, of course, I can find a clutch or shoes for just a touch of Baroque opulence.

Evening Goth
So tempting, but so dangerous. It's hard to wear head to toe black without looking too severe, particularly with lots of leather. And speaking of referential, this style refers to some tough and edgy ideas. Lux fabrics can soften, but it's still a risky look if the approach is too literal. My guess is that gentle makeup and hair would make a big difference.

Cropped or Flared Pants
I tried the cropped pant this summer against Tim Gunn's best advice for petite people. Sometimes it worked, sometimes it didn't. A very good fit on a cigarette-slim pant with same slimming dark color bootie and hosiery, with attention to a balanced top might work. That's a lot to ask from my wardrobe and my own styling skills. 

The little bit of bare skin at the ankle looks drafty-shivery to me!

I have a pair of lined chiffon flares for evening in black that I did not wear last year. At our restaurant, these can sometimes be work clothes, so I may be able to use these with a modern jacket. But for causal wear, I think I'll skip flares in fabric with no drape.

Thanks for listening while I think out loud. Stay tuned for the last installation, Part 3 ... trends I really want to try.

Do you have "maybe-trends" that tempt, haunt or intrigue you? Do tell !

Late, but present! I'm going to join Patti and all the very fancy ladies at Visible Monday  , and declare my current weakness for pink gold rings and watches. Yes, the ring is just vermeil, and the watch is only pink gold-toned, but if you don't tell, I won't.

(Photo editing inspired by Bella Q at her wonderful The Citizen Rosebud blog. Thanks, Bella, you for pointing us all to Pic Monkey ... very satisfying toy. Free makes it even better!)