Ta Daaa! This is my 1st Blogiversary week. The first issue of Fort Smith Stylista was published September 6, 2012 and I've made it an entire year. So many changes since the beginning! I initially focused on a local readership, but that lasted about a month. That just didn't happen ... not much call for style-talk in our little area, it seems.
My local physical world is pretty small. The choices we've made here to be with our animals and business tie us down pretty tightly. Dan and I don't get out and about at all beyond our local Big Town, and we live 45 minutes away from there. I've been around a bit in terms of distance, and lived in some pretty cool places, but because of the accident of birth and other people's priorities. Not so much because of my own choices.
As a much younger woman, I chose the elements of my formal education to gain an appreciation of a much broader world than my own, to be put to good use when I would be able to travel, finally. I'm not quite ready to give up that goal completely, but I haven't yet made it to many of the exotic places I've dreamed of seeing.
This year, though, through the efforts of other women (and a couple of fellas) I'll probably never meet, I've seen places that I'll likely never see in person. And I've found sisters in style-spirit whose like I simply cannot find here where I live. What I have found endlessly cool is the fact that I have readers in at least seven countries ( real faces with minds attached, not just robots!) and I am and always will be blown completely away by that. Many of you who share so much with me are right here in the US; it's a big place and I'm thrilled to learn more about our amazing diversity through your own blogs.
Without your writing, your thoughts and stories and pictures, your daily coming and going and dressing up and down, your pets and your kids, I'd never have found out how much we all have in common. And I've learned massive amounts about how our differences can help me continue to grow at even my advanced age!
Getting to know all of you would have been a much longer, more difficult process without the help of the divine Patti, hostess of her Visible Monday gatherings and author of her always beautiful and thoughtful blog, Not Dead Yet Style. Thank you, Patti, for helping me stay visible. I thought about listing all of the blogs that I read often and personally thanking all of you, but sure as hell, I'd miss someone important to me. So I rely on those of you who listen to me ramble on a regular basis to know who you are. I'm sending all my thanks to those of you who patiently read what I write in your comments sections. And I'm sending even more thanks to those of you who take the time to read and comment here.
It's not my blogging that thrills me, it's yours.
In the coming year, I plan to continue trying to entertain and look forward to being entertained. I hope my personal style will continue to evolve, and I know I'll be learning from what you choose to show us of yours. Thank you for including me in your worlds. It's just what I've always wanted.
Heading off to Popped Collar Patti's Party ... Visible Monday to celebrate, now. Join me!