I'm happy to see
that some of you want to read this great book and are happy to pass
it on. This shouldn't be too complicated a process. I'll send this
book on to the first person on the list (that would be Val Sparkle.)
When she's done with it, she can just get in contact with the next
person on the list for her mailing address (that would be Alice) and
send it off to her. Alice can do the same with Becky and so on.
That way all
private addresses stay private. I'll lose track of the list
eventually, so please let me know if you want to read the book and
I'll try to find it for you. The only thing I ask is that if
you borrow it, please send it on as long as there are people who want
to read it. (It's a paperback that we're handing off, so who knows
how long it will stay in one piece? Just tape it back together and send it on!)
So, in the order
they were received, here are the first borrowers:
The Thoughtful Dresser
Lending List
Val Sparkle of Late Blooming Sparkle
Alice of Happiness At Midlife
Becky of Pink Cheetah Vintage
4. Pao
of Project Minima
Dawn of Alter Ego Fashionista
Suzanne of Suzanne Carillo Style Files
Let me
know how you liked it. I just love an interactive project!
And for those of you who just stopped by to see what is up this week from my teeny-tiny-little-mind , here's me in a faux leather vest, a georgette-ish tunic shirt, jeans and my very-old-but-still-good suede boots.
Drop a line, please, and tell me what's going on with you!
I'm hanging out with our favorite Winter Blooming Patti at
Visible Monday
and at
"Pretty in Plaid" Seeker's
Tres Chic Style Bits
us for all the linky fun!