Monday, January 13, 2014

A Weather Malfunction!

Last Sunday, our local high temperature 
for the day was 12 ºF.
Yesterday, seven days later, the high 
was 67 ºF and it felt warmer.
Fahrenheit or Centigrade, that's the weather suffering a monster dissociative identity fugue .
If that's not exactly a clinical diagnosis, it's at least some intense identity confusion.
The weather thought it was Spring.
Silly weather!

And since I was out and about in the Big City, it was impossible (for me, anyway) not to notice how other women decided to dress in reaction to this.

I loved the enthusiasm of the True Optimists; the women in tank-tops, short-shorts and flip-flops. Although these items in combination might best be worn at home when you know there's a slim chance of having to answer the door, I had to admire their eagerness to embrace a little sunny warmth after weeks stuck indoors.  Like those guys that put on bathing suits and jump into iced-over lakes for New Year's fun.

And there were Deniers, the women who stubbornly donned full coats and boots. January is still winter and that's that. I felt some sympathy for the visibly perspiring, fully coated and scarf-wrapped lady who grimly soldiered on, all while maintaining a firm grip on her whining little girl. The child was all bundled up in her Barbie-pink puffy-coat and silver-sparkly faux Uggs.
"Mommmmeeeee ... I'm toooooo haaaa-ahhhtt. MOMMMMMEEEE!"

But then there were the Happy Realists; smiling women in jeans and little flats and cardigans. And although they were happy to dress in response to the balmy day, they also brought coats and left them in the car.  (In fairness, some of them also had whining children with them, but the kids were screaming about different stuff. As all mothers know; if it's not one thing, it's another. But the Realist moms did look marginally more serene and markedly more comfortable in the midst of it all.)

My own outfit was my version of Happy Realist dressing. No cardigan, but I am so in love with the black and white blazer you saw last week that I had to wear it again. ( If repeating outfit elements is bad form, I admit to it. Who decided that, anyway?) Beneath, I wore a spring-favorite Asian print shirt that I had hated storing for the winter. No flats, but a pair of burgundy-ish, cloth pumps with a very subtle reptile-esque texture. I don't wear them often enough, so it was a pleasure to bring them out and about with me.

There will surely be more cold, windy, wintry weather on the way, but it was fun to have a brief respite from winter and indulge in a little spring style thinking. And I had a coat in the car, just in case.


And the hair evolves.  It's getting there.


Linking up with The Ever Mysterious Patti at Visible Monday
and the Outerwear Minded Seeker at Tres Chic Style Bits/

Stop by to see the haps. Or better yet, join us!