As I write, it's still the first week of January, and even though the parties are over, the hangovers have been cured and the overall vibe is back to business as usual, I'm still feeling all energized and celebratory. In spite of the brutal cold in many parts of the world ( and we're no exception here!) I'm feeling more cheerful and optimistic than in recent months. January always feels like a good night's sleep after a hard December. There's a nice forward momentum that I find invigorating.
I'm still feeling New Year-ish.
And I have a New Favorite Outfit for
the New Year.
I really like the way this looks, but
besides that, I'm loving what these pieces didn't cost.
Everything I'm wearing here was bought for much less than original
price, either on sale, on clearance or just from a deep-discount
retailer, like my favorite TJ Maxx. That's where the drapey trousers
come from. The shoes from purchased at clearance sale at JCP and the
sweater on regular sale from Target.
But my pride and joy is this
boyfriend-ish, tuxedo-ish jacket at half-off clearance, again at
I can imagine dressing it up or down,
and love the way it fits. It's a particular pleasure as my very
common sizes rarely make it to the clearance racks. This was one of
those pieces that need to be tried on to be appreciated.
And that is, IMHO, the way to start the
New Year out right.
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I submitted this coat to the "How
I Wear My ..." project for the January subject: "How I Wear
My Coat." Thanks to Jill at Everything Just So and Adrienne at The Rich Life (On a Budget...) for making
another great place to show off and out a little!
It's the last of several Duro Olowu
pieces I got from the collaboration with JCP last Spring.
Especially happy to be wearing it as it was 13 degrees.
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Linking up this week with the Furry
Feline Seeker at Tres Chic Style Bits . Join us!