Tuesday, March 25, 2014

My Spring 2014 Lust List

Yeaaay! Spring finally happened on Thursday, March 20 at 11:57 CDT.

I've been compiling the spring version of my Seasonal Fashion Fixation List since mid-February. It's magical how the official change of season transforms it from just a sad little wish list to an actual to-do list. 
The Quest is on. 
It's Go Time.

I keep the list in a permanent file that I modify seasonally on Evernote. I'm a big Evernote fan. (Not a commercial ... I really just like it.) It's a fancy (and free version!) app that makes it easy to digitally keep and organize all the stuff one jots down on scraps of paper and in notebooks or journals. Best of all, it automatically synchronizes my laptop version with the mobile version I carry around with me on my tablet, so it's great for keeping the Seasonal Fashion Fixation List accessible. I get an especially big kick out the strikethrough function that lets me cross off found items once they're actually in my clutches.  

I know. I need to get a life.

Here's the SFFL, subtitled 
My Spring 2014 Lust List.

(I keep some reminders that apply to every season
 above the list proper.)
Every-Season Revealed Wisdom
"Love it or Leave it!"
"Try it on!"
"Move buttons, shorten sleeves and adjust hems. Otherwise, if it's a big alteration job, leave it."

Keep 'till Memorized for Target Brands ...
(Did you know this? I didn't, and the info helps. If you don't shop Target, then never mind.)
Xhileration: Junior ... very Junior
Mossimo: Red tag is for Juniors
           Black is for Misses
Marona: sensible, basic Misses
Spring 2014 Considerations 
(some season specific admonitions ...)

Don't panic or get too caught up too early* and buy a bunch of stuff ... do what you can and really shop your closet for silhouettes.

Do the purge and put away the winter stuff! (Not done yet. 'Weather too iffy' is my current excuse.)

Minimal thinking; If you don't haz it, cultivatez it. Simple outfits will take few but good accessories.

Neutrals on neutrals with cool accessories look fresh. Tight tops are not good, and fit is key for every item.

New this spring? Long silhouettes.

Consider muted pastels ... tertiary?

Consider darks tones. Black and white feels really doable.

( ...and then categories of wished for stuff and a few rationalizations for why I need the stuff )
...are the exception for early shopping. Your size goes fast, so make up your mind on the basics.

Embrace the mid heel!
(Shoe Carnival has some decent heels this year for around $40)

You also NEED a pair of simple, plain leather, classic black pump!!!! Give the old ones a decent burial, 'cause they've been good friends, but they're dead.

D' Orsay pump, mid heel ... with ankle straps? (Think hard about these! Trendy, but so wonderful. )

Strappy white sandal? LI or LI! ( means Love It or Leave It) No nurse shoes.

Pastel pumps

Cute mules

If new ones try to seduce, hold out for True Love.

Any clutches must fit the Kindle Fire! Bright colored clutches? These can work ... kindle+wallet +phone+mini-keys, and in the bigger bag with all other necessaries for your long day trips.

(Just found this one ... It's cork!  Much cuter and larger than it looks.
From Francesca's Collections.)

Good black clutches of substantial size.

After review, you need:

Black and white striped tee ... boat-neck, decent quality

Crop tops and silky camis to go under ... NO REALLY, GET SOME!!!! Try ON for length.

Black, white, gray or colors Tissue Tees, Layering Tees ... crew, boat-neck ... light weight, should skim not hug.

Art print tops ... these are really appealing, especially structured shells. Be picky about print ... not all "art" is created equal.

Shirts: You need some.

Longer fitted silky tunics ... sleeveless, solid colors ... you could LIVE in these this summer with the right cut pants.

Joe Fresh (at JCP) has some pretty blouses, but they look huge! Try on. These can look madame if you're not careful.

Another creamy white shirt for hot weather ... light weight with sleeves? No pockets on boobs.

Don't buy a lot of jeans. Really, you're in pretty good shape.

Find ankle length, good fitting black twill-ish pants ... sleek ones, please. At least one pair.

And printed ankle pants ... you now know how to easily slim them from the knee, so find some you like. Try on for waist and fit before you buy ... then alter. Small pattern, please, Short-stuff!

Skirts: Dig around, see what you already have.

Midis ... pleated or circle much better than gathered! Make some, if necessary. Drop the waist for tucking. Crop tops will work with these if carefully fit.

Wear old sheaths with updated accessories.

Pink. I want a pale pink dress.

If you ever remember to do it, keep looking for that perfect molded-cup minimizer bra that you can buy without taking out a second mortgage. (This is the unicorn of my list .. has been sitting here for at least 3 seasons.)

More Cabernet undies! $12.00 at Dillards.

It is unlikely that I will buy all of the things on this list. They are the ideas that interest me for this spring. And it's high time to look ahead. The photo below is a reminder to me that there is a point where it's time to stop farting around with last season's closet orphans, send them on to a home where they'll be loved and get on with the change. 

Spring is a mean season that way.


Linking up with 
The Cat Wearing Patti at Visible Monday
and The Very Good Blogger Seeker at 
Tres Chic Style Bits