Tuesday, May 6, 2014

Suddenly Summer ... Sigh.

In Seattle, we used to tell visitors, "If you don't like the weather today, wait a minute.  It'll change."

Here in Arkansas, if you aren't enthralled with the entire season, hang in there because one morning it will change on you in a few hours.  There is usually a day or so when you start out with the heater on to cut the chill when you get up. Then, on the same day, usually by lunchtime, you'll turn on the AC because it's starting to get uncomfortable. Typically it stays that way.  Hot and humid.

That's how many of us here mark the beginning of summer. This Sunday was the day for me. I flipped on the AC at about noon.  I also mark the beginning of the season  by the day that I can't wear a long sleeve without being really uncomfortable. Also Sunday.   

 I'd wanted to wear this particular favorite shirt one last time ... it's one of those wardrobe love affairs that should not be, but the heart often insists on wearing what the body should run screaming away from. I'm sure if my heart had eyeballs it would make better choices, but no. I've been stubbornly trying to make the Big Shirt idea work for me in spite of my shortness, so I pulled out my coolest sunnies (RayBan all-black aviators) and what I imagine are a cool pair of wedges (which I can walk all day in!  For me, and extra point of coolness.) 

Here's how it turned out.  I'm actually pleased.  
Look! I have a neck!

Here's how I wore it last winter.  The different wintry styling notwithstanding, I think it looks a lot less contrived and less constipated with the shorter hair. 
I like the different vibe the hair lends.  Better proportions, perhaps. (Although, it wasn't a bad hair day if I do say so myself.)


I didn't end up getting to wearing my spring iteration, though.  By the time we were done trying to get a decent photo of the first outfit, it was 90 degrees.  So I ran in and changed into a dress I've been wanting to wear since I got it at the Peter Pilotto for Target collaboration from February.

I was between sizes in this dress, so I bought the larger size, took it in a bit, raised the flippy ruffle about four inches and took in the width of the smock so it sits closer to the edge of my shoulder.  It's fully lined, and I love wearing it.  The ruffle ripples against your leg as you walk, and I did a lot of walking on Sunday.  These little wedge sandals where again chosen for comfort, but I have at least five other pairs of shoes that will work with this little dress.  I didn't like a lot in the collection, but I like the way this one turned out altered to "Jan size".  Happy me.


Linking up, late AGAIN with the Always Forgiving Patti at Visible Monday .  Come see how we're all dressing for our respective weather!