Monday, May 19, 2014

Spring Lust List 2014 ... Update!

Back in late March, I posted my strategy for freshening up my spring wardrobe. So far so good, but as with even the best of plans, some strategic adjustments were warranted.

Shoes: Since my size goes fast, I got busy early and I have been lucky enough to find the requisite bargains in mid-heel ankle-strap pumps and sandals. I'm extra pleased that they work with dresses as well as they play with trousers and jeans, and help keep my closet staples from previous years looking fresh. I'm happy I took a risk and tried them in spite of the conventional wisdom about short girls with short legs and the evils of ankle straps.

I've found that two pairs of pastel shoes are plenty (pink and mint). I'm happier with more saturated colors and neutrals. Fun to be able to play a little, though. And although I was adamant when I started seeing them about this year that I wouldn't wear white shoes on a bet, I've found a pair of little white D'Orsay pumps that are delicate and flattering and summery. Sometimes being wrong can be delightful!

Still haven't found the replacement go-to plain black pumps, but have decided to wait for fall. Just not in the mood.

No dressy mules (that's a picture, isn't it?) anywhere. Only chunky ones. The quest continues, albeit halfheartedly.

The Rest of the List: Funny how things work out. The combination of my recently cropped hair and new shoes has given my old wardrobe items a better attitude. Some old favorites are looking better for the change up, and feeling relevant again. I've been sewing a little, and doing a lot of alterations for better fit, so stay tuned for the results.

I have given up my unrealistic plans about wearing long sleeved blouses this summer, and certainly any new acquisitions. What was I thinking? No matter how much I probably should be covering my old arms, the summers here are too miserable to wear an extra ounce of clothing. My money is better spent on a lot of hefty SPF sunscreen. I've found a pair of silky, sleeveless tunics that will serve me much better. Better to just go ahead and plan for summer and naked arms. Those who object must avert their gaze.

Speaking of long sleeved tops, not all old pieces are making the transition with equal success.

You can always tell when I'm in a stubborn frustrated
self defeating crappy problematic mood. 
That's when I put on this top and try one more time to make it work. Threatening, dark-gray skies, high humidity, a strapping wind and a late start made photographs difficult to plan and accomplish this Sunday. When faced obstacles guaranteed to make everything more difficult, this blouse is my go-to piece that never fails make things even worse.

This is officially the last time you'll see this shirt. I give up. I love everything about this blouse; the floaty fabric, the Asian print, the unusual cut of the shoulder, the length, everything. But I'm always unhappy with the results when I try to wear it. It's one of the most demanding pieces in my wardrobe, this little blouse. It's needy and whiny and uncooperative. So naturally, I pull it out when I'm feeling bad about any aspect of my appearance, or my weight or all the personal faults that have accrued on my Permanent Record over the decades. This defies logic, I know, but somehow it just seems to be the thing to do.

Just to be clear, I'm keeping it. And I know I'll wear it again. But this is as good as I'm ever going to look in this blouse. It's an improvement on the last time I tried it. You can see it HERE , but I don't blame you if curiosity doesn't get the better of you. Wave goodbye, because it has had as much attention on this blog as it's going to get.


Linking up with the Visibly Velvet and Blue Patti, the hostess of her amazing link-up Visible Monday .