Monday, February 3, 2014


This is WIWHW for my birthday dinner. What I Would Have Worn, if it hadn't snowed and sleeted and kept us from going into The Big City for dinner as planned. Oh, well. Soon. Very soon.

The only thing you haven't seen here is my new leather skirt. Okay, not leather. Faux, but pretty good faux. It's very soft and I like the drape and texture. And it has pockets! I'm currently obsessing about midi skirts and and I found a very good buy on this one. It just wasn't intended to be a midi.

I was afraid that this was going to be a style that would hard to wear with my short waist and frame. And on my problematic shape, not all skirts are created equal. I knew proportional length would be tricky, and most midis look best with a tucked shirt ... always challenging for me.

This skirt was intended to be an at-the-knee length for the average height woman, but I liked the way the pleats are flat and fall from a slightly wider waist band. So I just bought it a size larger and that allows it to ride a little lower, just beneath my natural waist. Lower on the waist means a longer look ... and voilà! It is now a below-the-knee midi look that works for me. But best of all, the lower waist means that when I tuck in a shirt, I get just an extra inch or so of torso! Problem solved.

Another validation that size is only a number. Buy the size that works, 'cause there are lots of ways to work a size!


Joining the Pink Statement Seeker at her linky party Tres Chic Style Bits ... stop by or, better yet, come out to play!

And at the Lovely Sacramento's
 Share in Style where I'm almost Gothic, but not quite!

(and late breaking)

 with the Season Defying Patti at

 Visible Monday